54 research outputs found

    Cognitive Profiling of Nodes in 6G through Multiplex Social Network and Evolutionary Collective Dynamics

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    Complex systems are fully described by the connectedness of their elements studying how these develop a collective behavior, interacting with each other following their inner features, and the structure and dynamics of the entire system. The forthcoming 6G will attempt to rewrite the communication networks' perspective, focusing on a radical revolution in the way entities and technologies are conceived, integrated and used. This will lead to innovative approaches with the aim of providing new directions to deal with future network challenges posed by the upcoming 6G, thus the complex systems could become an enabling set of tools and methods to design a self-organized, resilient and cognitive network, suitable for many application fields, such as digital health or smart city living scenarios. Here, we propose a complex profiling approach of heterogeneous nodes belonging to the network with the goal of including the multiplex social network as a mathematical representation that enables us to consider multiple types of interactions, the collective dynamics of diffusion and competition, through social contagion and evolutionary game theory, and the mesoscale organization in communities to drive learning and cognition. Through a framework, we detail the step by step modeling approach and show and discuss our findings, applying it to a real dataset, by demonstrating how the proposed model allows us to detect deeply complex knowable roles of nodes

    Quantifying the propagation of distress and mental disorders in social networks.

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    Heterogeneity of human beings leads to think and react differently to social phenomena. Awareness and homophily drive people to weigh interactions in social multiplex networks, influencing a potential contagion effect. To quantify the impact of heterogeneity on spreading dynamics, we propose a model of coevolution of social contagion and awareness, through the introduction of statistical estimators, in a weighted multiplex network. Multiplexity of networked individuals may trigger propagation enough to produce effects among vulnerable subjects experiencing distress, mental disorder, which represent some of the strongest predictors of suicidal behaviours. The exposure to suicide is emotionally harmful, since talking about it may give support or inadvertently promote it. To disclose the complex effect of the overlapping awareness on suicidal ideation spreading among disordered people, we also introduce a data-driven approach by integrating different types of data. Our modelling approach unveils the relationship between distress and mental disorders propagation and suicidal ideation spreading, shedding light on the role of awareness in a social network for suicide prevention. The proposed model is able to quantify the impact of overlapping awareness on suicidal ideation spreading and our findings demonstrate that it plays a dual role on contagion, either reinforcing or delaying the contagion outbreak

    A Method for the Generation of Correlated Random Processes

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    In this paper the authors propose a method which will allow the generation of random discrete variables with a given probability distribution and autocorrelation sequence. The method is applicable in cases where, once experimental measurements have established the statistical characteristics of a stationary random process, an algorithm is to be implemented to generate random discrete variables with the same statistical properties in terms of amplitude distribution and correlation among the values. The method proposed allows a correlated random process to be generated by combining two ergodic independent statistical uncorrelated random processes. A case study is given to apply the method proposed to modelling of variable bit rate video sources by simulation

    Social Dynamics Modeling of Chrono-nutrition

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    Gut microbiota and human relationships are strictly connected to each other. What we eat reflects our body-mind connection and synchronizes with people around us. However, how this impacts on gut microbiota and, conversely, how gut bacteria influence our dietary behaviors has not been explored yet. To quantify the complex dynamics of this interplay between gut and human behaviors we explore the ``gut-human behavior axis'' and its evolutionary dynamics in a real-world scenario represented by the social multiplex network. We consider a dual type of similarity, homophily and gut similarity, other than psychological and unconscious biases. We analyze the dynamics of social and gut microbial communities, quantifying the impact of human behaviors on diets and gut microbial composition and, backwards, through a control mechanism. Meal timing mechanisms and ``chrono-nutrition'' play a crucial role in feeding behaviors, along with the quality and quantity of food intake. Considering a population of shift workers, we explore the dynamic interplay between their eating behaviors and gut microbiota, modeling the social dynamics of chrono-nutrition in a multiplex network. Our findings allow us to quantify the relation between human behaviors and gut microbiota through the methodological introduction of gut metabolic modeling and statistical estimators, able to capture their dynamic interplay. Moreover, we find that the timing of gut microbial communities is slower than social interactions and shift-working, and the impact of shift-working on the dynamics of chrono-nutrition is a fluctuation of strategies with a major propensity for defection (e.g. high-fat meals). A deeper understanding of the relation between gut microbiota and the dietary behavioral patterns, by embedding also the related social aspects, allows improving the overall knowledge about metabolic models and their implications for human health, opening the possibility to design promising social therapeutic dietary interventions

    Effect of Islanding and Telecontrolled Switches on Distribution System Reliability Considering Load and Green-Energy Fluctuations

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    To improve electrical distribution network reliability, some portions of the network could operate in autonomous mode, provided that the related technical issues are addressed. More specifically, when there is not a path from those portions to the primary substation due to a fault in the network, such portions could be disconnected from the main network and supplied by local generation only. Such a mode of operation is known as "intentional islanding" and its effectiveness, in terms of adequacy, depends on the ability of the local generation to meet the island's load. In fact, the ratio between the available local generation and load demand can frequently change during islanding due to load variations and, especially, due to the strongly irregular behavior of the primary energy sources of renewable generators. This paper proposes an analytical formulation to assess local generation adequacy during intentional islanding, accounting for the aforementioned variations. More specifically, the fluctuations of load and green-energy generators during islanding are modeled by means of Markov chains, whose output quantities are encompassed in the proposed analytical formulation. Such a formulation is used by the analytical equations of load points' outage rate and duration. The evaluation of the reliability indices accounts for a protection scheme based on an appropriate communication infrastructure. Therefore, a brief overview on the telecommunications technologies has been presented with reference to their suitability for the specific application. In particular, distribution network safety issues have been considered as the main concern. The results show that neglecting load and generation fluctuations leads to a strong overestimation of the ability of distributed generators to meet the island load. Through a case study it is observed that the error on the load point outage rate is greater than the one affecting the outage duration